School Choice HB251

Dawson County Schools

Public School Choice Framework

Annual Choice Notification

Robinson Elementary School

1150 Perimeter Road

Dawsonville, GA 30534




April 29, 2022


Dear Parent or Guardian:

Under HB 251, a parent or guardian of a student currently enrolled in the Dawson County School System may request to transfer the student to another public school in the school system for the 2022-2023 school year. Please refer to the Dawson County School System’s website for more information.

As a parent or guardian, you may request to have your child transferred to another public school within the school system as long as the system has determined that there is available classroom space at the school of request. Please keep in mind that if you choose to transfer your child to another school in the system, the law requires you to assume all costs and responsibilities related to the transportation of your child to and from the school as long as your child remains at that school. If a parent requests a transfer to a school that does not have the services required by the current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP), HB 251 does not require the school to develop those services as long as they are available within the local school system. With the approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee, the principal may request that out-of-zone attendance be revoked based on one or more of the following reasons: excessive unexcused absences, repeated tardies, late pick-up of student, or other just cause

Classroom space may be available at certain grade levels in the elementary schools. If transfer requests exceed the available space, then a lottery selection process will be utilized after the following criteria are satisfied:

1.     Students who are attending a school that is in any level of Needs Improvement

2.     Students who have a disability whose IEP or IAP requires placement at a particular school

3.     Students who are homeless

4.     Students who have programmatic needs that are only available at a certain school

5.     Students entitled to attend a certain school as a result of being children of employees

The system will accept NEW Out of Zone Transfer Requests for the 2022-2023 school year from April 29, 2022, until 5:00 p.m. on May 31, 2022. Parents will receive notification of approval or denial by email or standard U.S. mail on or before July 1, 2021.

 Out of Zone Transfer Request Forms may be picked up at the school from which the student is seeking to transfer or be downloaded from website. Select the Registration tab and click on School Choice HB251 to access the INITIAL REQUEST form online.

Complete this form only if you are moving out of the Robinson Elementary School’s attendance zone and wish to remain at Robinson Elementary School OR you live in the Robinson Elementary School attendance zone and wish to attend another elementary school in the district.

 Should your child already have an approved out-of-zone request and you wish to continue at the same school next year, please follow the website instructions listed above and select the CONTINUATION REQUEST form.

The completed form must be returned to the school of choice by the date shown above. No form will be accepted after this date.

 If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at the number shown above or by email at [email protected].


 Linda Bearden


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