Gifted / ESOL

Gifted and Talented Program:

The Dawson County Schools Gifted Education Program offers opportunities for acceleration, differentiation, and advanced content in all academic content areas at all grade levels.  Students in kindergarten through fifth grade are served in either the cluster grouping or the advanced content model.  Students in the Cluster Grouping Model learn in a small group setting within a traditional classroom.  In the Advanced Content Model, a rigorous and accelerated curriculum is used for gifted and advanced learners in their own classroom.  Students receive the equivalent of at least five, forty-five minute segments of class contact time with a Gifted Certified Instructor each week.  Students qualify for the gifted service program by meeting the qualification standards set by the Dawson County Board of Education.


Program Goals:

  • To identify gifted students of all grade levels using a variety of means which recognize all forms of exceptionality
  • To use information gained during the assessment process to identify specific areas of strength and interest
  • To provide instructional opportunities in those areas of strength and interest revealed during the assessment process


Curriculum Goals:

    Our gifted curriculum will provide opportunities for identified students to:  achieve proficiency in areas and disciplines of the prescribed district gifted curriculum;    excel in areas of individual interest or study, develop creative products, and share results of these studies with the appropriate audiences;

  • learn to make informed decisions and integrate processes of thinking to resolve issues both cooperatively and independently;
  • demonstrate personal growth through the development of positive attitudes, leadership skills, and community and cultural involvement;
  • develop skills to become an effective communicator using various forms of media; and
  • develop self-awareness in order to learn to cope with their weaknesses, to explore and appreciate their strengths, and to see oneself as acceptable.

Gifted FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a gifted student?

  A gifted student is one who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual, creative and/or artistic ability(ies), possesses exceptional leadership skills, or excels in specific academic fields. These students often require special instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her abilities.


How do students qualify for The Dawson County Gifted Program?

Students may qualify according to one of two methods.  The first method of qualification requires that a student in grades K-2 score in the 99th percentile on the Mental Abilities Test and at least the 90th percentile on the Achievement Test.  Students in grades 3rd-5th must score at least 96th percentile on the Mental Abilities Test, and the 90th percentile of the Achievement Test.  The "Multiple Criteria Rule" allows students to qualify for the Gifted Program by meeting criteria in any three of the four categories.  Criteria under this rule is as follows:  Mental Abilities 96th percentile, Achievement 90th percentile, Creativity 90th percentile, Motivation 90th percentile.


What tests are used to qualify students for the Dawson County Gifted Program?

The following tests or checklists are used in Dawson County for the purpose of evaluating students for the gifted program:

Mental ability - CogAt - Cognitive Abilities Test

Achievement - SAT - Stanford Achievement Test or ITBS - Iowa Test of Basic Skills

Creativity - TTCT - Torrance Test of Creative Thinking 

Motivation - Hawthorne Motivational Scale

GPA - Grade Point Average for fourth and fifth graders or Product/Performance


When are students tested?

Dawson County students are tested during Fall and Spring.


What should I do if I want to refer my child for gifted testing?

Contact your child's homeroom teacher or Mrs. Tiffany Turner to receive the Parent Referral forms. These forms must be turned in by September 15th (for testing in Fall) or February 10th (for testing in Spring). As in any evaluation process, you will be asked to give permission for the evaluation to take place.

Parent Referral Form
High Achiever Permission Form

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